Organisation in the Morning

School is officially back into the swing of things, but I am still finding the kids are hard to organise most mornings.

This is where the chore charts can come in handy! 

Black and blue goals chart used by a child to get ready in the morning and cross off items on his chore list

We have two different goal/chore charts available, magnetic (which is perfect to add to the fridge so no excuses for not seeing it) and acrylic (which can be added to ANY wall in the house, again, no excuses!)

While my kids don't sleep in, they aren't super fast in the mornings. 

So I have come up with the brilliant idea of using the chart to keep them on track!

Some things I am popping onto the chart include: 

  • Making their beds 
  • Getting dressed 
  • Brushing their hair & teeth 
  • Unstacking the dishwasher
  • Packing their lunch 

Just adding a few key tasks in the morning, to have done before we leave for school. Hopefully these will become habits and I will be able to add more!

Wishful thinking? Probably.

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