6 tips to help your kids follow a new routine
Half the battle at home is getting everyone else at home to want to help out where they can. The best way to motivate kids to want to help is by establishing simple and effective daily routines of their own.
An even better way is to to teach them a new routine that will work well with your own routine so life in the morning is easier and less stressful.
Here's my top tips for to help your kids follow a daily routine (either morning or evening).
Tip 1: Show them how
Telling them and writing down what they need to do is one way. But many kids learn through visual methods. So, give them a full demonstration of doing each task they need to follow in their routine not just an explanation. This will also help improve their competency at performing at individual task.
Tip 2: Do it together
If you expect to set the routine for them and start it the next day, you are setting them up to fail. New routines (and expectations_ take time to learn and adjust to. Put some time in to do the routine together with your child each day for about a week. This will give them the confidence that they will be supported no matter what.

Tip 3: Practice!
If the new routine is a bit more challenging for your child, encourgae them to practice. for example after school ask them if they want to have a go at practicing their new routine to help them learn all the steps. This is very effective with younger children who are keen to learn about being a 'grown up' already.
Tip 4: Use a visual aid
Use a visual aid or chart so they can refer to it when they get stuck on the next steps. This can be as simple as drawing some pictures to represent each task on paper, or writing up the tasks on a chore chart or magnetic fridge planner for them to follow and mark off.

Tip 5: Set a go live date
Setting a 'go live' date for your kids new routine is a great way to seat a time frame for them to work towards learning the routine. They can spend a week or so learning the steps with support before having a go on their own.
Tip 6: Check ins
Remember to keep checking in with them on how they are going with their daily routine and if there is anything they may still need help with. Don't wait for them to ask for help. by checking in with them, they will feel supported and more secure about asking for help when they actually need it. They will also love an opportunity to tell you how well they are doing, and this is a great moment to praise them for all their efforts.
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